# Lines (except comment-lines starting with #) must NOT be added or deleted !
# What language is this ?
Galactic Standard
The Personal Communications Distribution Device will now use Galactic Standard.$W
# Define answers, Yes and No.
# Days and months :
# Define directions: (To be used in QTH-locator server)
# Welcome
# Welcome BBS:
Greetings, Commander $I; - and welcome aboard Starcruiser $O.$W
# Welcome EXPERT :
Greetings, Commander $I; - and welcome aboard Starcruiser $O.$W$N active communications, last is $L, last listed is $Z.$W$W
# Welcome non-expert:
Greetings, Commander $I: welcome aboard Starcruiser $O$WYou have landed on channel $=.$WHere are $N active communications, $L is last communication and $W$Z is the last you have listed.$W$WConnected vessels:$W$%$WType H <return> for help.$W
# Register your name:
Register your rank and name using the N-command, like this : N 1st_Lt_Spock$W
# Register your Earth dwelling-place
Register your Earth dwelling-place using the NQ-command, like this: $c$W
# Register your Mothership-PCDD
Register your Mothership-PCDD using the NH-command, like this : NH $O$W
# Register your dwelling-place identification code
Register your dwelling-place ID-code using the NZ-command, like this : NZ $z$WEnter your Galactic coordinates using the NL command, like this : NL $?$W
# Welcome to guest:
Starship $O, $c.$WYou have only limited access on this port.$W
# Text sent to non-PCDDs on PCDD-only port:
RED ALERT!! WARNING... only other Starcruisers allowed on this port.$W
# Welcome first time:
$WThis is your first contact with this Starcruiser.$W
# Here are Personal Communications for you:
Here are $0 new Personal Communication(s) for you.$W
# Here are Personal Communications for you that you have read but not terminated:
COSMIC HINT:$WHere are $0 Personal Communication(s) for you that you have beamed down$Wbut not terminated. Please terminate them with KM.$W
# Goodbye-text:
You have been connected $: - Computer-time : $.$WGoodbye, $I, and may the Spirit of Spock be with you !$W
# Answer to !-command:
Multiconnect Starcruiser type F6FBB v$E - Connected vessels:$W$%$W$N active communications - Last communication $L - Last listed $Z.$WHere are new Personal Communications for$Q$WConnect-time : $: - Computer-time : $.$W
# Some standard questions and answers :
(A,C,N,<ENTER>) -->
Make changes (Y/N) ?$W
Thank you$W
$WAborted !!$W
Create (Y/N) ?$W
Your choice : (L = List, F = End)$W
ENTER=Continue, A=Abort. Beam down with R-command -->$W
# Error-messages:
*** PURPLE ALERT!! Dr. Spock did not understand that answer.$W
*** GREEN ALERT!! Dr. Spock did not understand that command: $0.$W
*** LIGHT BROWN ALERT!! You forgot a space after the command.$W
*** BROWN TROUSERS ALERT!! Only numeric values allowed.$W
*** YELLOW ALERT!! Text after Personal ID code is missing.$W
*** PINK ALERT!! No help available for $0.$W
*** COMCAT ALERT!! Personal ID code of addressee is missing.$W
*** GREY ALERT!! Personal ID code is missing.$W
*** WHITE ALERT!! Unknown file.$W
*** BLACK ALERT!! Character $0 not allowed here.$W
*** DARK GREEN ALERT!! Communication #%M does not exist.$W
*** PINK WITH LITTLE RED DOTS ALERT!! The file $f does not exist.$W
*** RATHER TASTEFUL GREY WITH PINK POLKA-DOTS ALERT!! You cannot terminate communication #%M.$W
*** SORT OF MUDDY BROWN ALERT!! #%M does not exist.$W
*** SILVER ALERT!! Invalid port.$W
*** DARK BROWN TROUSERS ALERT!! Directory-name is missing.$W
*** INFRA RED ALERT!! Directory is missing.$W
*** ULTRA-VIOLET ALERT!! Directory-name is too long.$W
*** GANGREEN ALERT!! Filename is missing.$W
*** PUSTULAR PURPLE ALERT!! To-filename is missing.$W
*** GLOBULAR CLUSTER ALERT!! Universal language interpreter is unable to interpret.$W
*** ZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX ALERT!! Impossible to modify file $f.$W
*** RED DWARF ALERT!! Unknown, or not empty, directory $0.$W
*** ORDINARY ALERT!! Directory is missing.$W
*** GREEN WITH ENVY ALERT!! Cannot make directory $0.$W
*** ALERT ALERT!! "Path" is missing.$W
*** JUST ANOTHER ALERT!! To long "path".$W
*** OPERATOR FAILURE ALERT!! That "path" does not exist.$W
*** PINK GIN ALERT!! Cannot make file $f.$W
Bridge to $I, your Personal Communicator is undergoing MELTDOWN !!$WWarp 9 Mr.Sulu, and let's get the hell out of here!$W
# Texts belonging to different departments
# Mailbox
# Expert-prompt:
$*:$U de $O>$W
# Guest-prompt:
$*:$U de $O (B,H,KM,LM,O,RM,S,T,?) >$W
# Non-expert prompt:
$*:$U de $O (? = Help) >$W
# Misc messages:
Here are no such communications (communication-choice: $l).$W
There are no new communications for you.$W
Enter communication ID code to %G : $W
Beam up the communication, end with /EX or Ctrl-Z : $W
Communication #%M is terminated.$W
# Answer to V-command:
Starcruiser-version F6FBB v$E$W$N active communications$WLast communication is #$L$W
# Misc messages:
Please enter your rank and forename :$W
Thank you, $I.$W
ID code LastConnect #Cnct RPBSXLEMU Lg Name Password PRIV-dir.$W
Communications Officer $V is not available!$WYou may leave a PC for him in the PCDD.$W
Wait while I page Communications Officer $V.$W
Communications Officer $V did not answer!$WYou may leave a PC for him in the PCDD.$W
Hello, $I, Communications Officer $V responds :$W
Stand by, Communications Officer $V wishes to communicate with you.$W
You are now in "Expert-mode".$W
You are now in "Normal-mode".$W
You now have access to the Ship's computer. Type F <return> for PCDD-mode again.$W
File $f has been copied.$W
Communication for %G has been cancelled.$W
You will now have no paging.$W
You will now have $p lines per page.$W
This alien is now connected. Editing not allowed.$W
$0 $1 $2 $3 $j $K = $4'$5
"Base-number" is now $q. All communication-numbers will use this as a base.$W
# The next 2 lines are sent together for sysop, only the last one is sent for
# other users !
$W(G) General$W(H) Use pr. hour$W(I) List Personal ID codes$W(J) Use pr. day$W(L) Details$W(O) Percentages$W(F) Return to the ship's computer mode$W(B) Disconnect$W$WFor detailed help, type ?(letter).$W$WCONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >$W
# The next 2 lines are sent together for sysop, only the last one is sent for
# other users !
$W(R) Read information$W(I) Show list of Personal ID codes$W(N) Change name and address$W(F) Return to Ship's computer menu.$W(B) Disconnect.$W$WFor detailed help, type ? (command).$W$WUSER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >$W